Justice For The Young Caissie Family
22 JULY 2024
Today is the 35th year anniversary, when the unthinkable happened regarding three beautiful and special people, who had their lives stolen in a raging house fire that only left devastation in its wake. Marc and Suzanne Caissie were burned alive and Angèle was choked by smoke inhalation mixed with carbon monoxide poisoning.
If I sound graphic in this short description of their deaths, I am and it’s intentional. Let that seep in your thoughts for one second. Envision yourself in their shoes being caught in a deliberately set house fire, enduring the actions of someone else to rob you of your life.
The passage of time does not assuage these intense feelings and emotions that I still carry today. The trauma and lifelong emotional effects are still palpable. You learn to live with these intense feelings and emotions in a bizarre way, but it does not make them less real and less heartbreaking. Anxiety, depression and PTSD are manifestations that arise and become lifelong issues.
I can assure you, utter devastation that one does feel is hard to quantify and put into words.
Anger, bitterness, resentment and disgust are feelings that I could do without, as are frustration, disappointment and disillusionment with police inaction regarding this case.
The community needs to be informed and made acutely aware that one (or some) of its own, responsible for this deliberately set fire, is/are still out there free and roaming around among us. The community should be demanding justice, because if it can happen to my brother and his family with impunity and no accountability and justice, then it can happen to any of us.
Justice and accountability are social community rights that we all should expect and fight for, because it matters a great deal to the fabric of any society.
Justice and accountability are in the best interest for all and the greater community should be asking questions to the police and local prosecutors about what is being done regarding this grave injustice; speaking with journalists to get the communities perspective out there and sharing awareness about the case and getting the word out…yes even after 35 years.
Also, the community needs to be reminded that the person who I believe is ultimately responsible has refused to take a polygraph to clear their name. The refusal to take the polygraph is based on a preposterous belief that defies logic. The reason given, “Too much time has elapsed between now and the event.”
Since when does the truth expire? Last time I checked, there is no expiration on the truth.
(Yes or No – did you start the fire? Yes or No - did you hire someone to lit the fire? Yes or No - do you know who is responsible for the fire? Yes or No - did you have any responsibility with how this fire started?). Simple enough in my mind to answer questions with a yes or no (that's how polygraph's work). No amount of time could muddy the waters with such clear and concise questions and answers.
I am beyond convinced that someone out there knows something, knows more about this deliberately set fire. I have already offered a $10,000 reward for any information that would lead to the arrest of the person(s) responsible. If it was your son, brother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece or friend – would you not want justice, answers, accountability and the truth?
Recently, by accident, I bumped into the former lead investigator of the Moncton Police Force in charge of my brother’s case at the time (35 years ago) and this was a conversation 35 years in the making. It actually wasn’t much of a conversation at all, I was very abrupt and to the point. Here is what was said:
ME: “Do you know who I am?”
HIM: (with a slight grin) “I think, the face looks a bit familiar”.
ME: “You are (so and so) right?”
HIM: “Yes (still with same grin)
ME: “I’m Charlie Caissie, Marc Caissie’s brother. Marc Caissie, Suzanne Caissie, Angèle Caissie”.
HIM : (silence with no longer the same grin)
ME: “You fucked up that investigation”.
HIM: (silence)
ME: “You couldn’t take it being called out and named on my website could you? You had to have your lawyer send me a letter threatening defamation”.
HIM: (silence)
ME: “You royally fucked up that investigation, so amateur and unprofessional”.
HIM: (muttered) “This isn’t the place to…”
ME: “I hold YOU personally responsible for that fucked up investigation”.
HIM: (silence)
ME: (still staring at him) “You fucking asshole” (and I walked away)
I did not threaten anyone, I do not name him here or anywhere on this website; all I did was confront him because he spewed out a lot of slander during the inquest about Marc. He attacked Marc’s good name and reputation with his lies and BS. He demonized Marc and to me it was a hit job (character assassination) of a deceased person, who no longer had a voice to defend himself. In my view, I defended my brother’s honor and good name and set the record straight on where I stand.
It makes me sick that I am unable to name people for their actions and crimes.
I am unable to name the individual who defamed my brother during the inquest with slander while being threatened myself with defamation.
I am unable to name the individual who I believe ultimately responsible for so much pain, sorrow and upheaval in our lives as victims to this horrific tragedy. In the aftermath of this individual’s actions that perpetrated this crime and robbed three lovable, special people of their right to life, this person sits pretty with no repercussions or consequences.
How would you feel in my shoes? Would you just drop it and say “Oh it’s been 35 years now, might as well forget it.” Or would you fight harder than ever for justice, to give a voice to those who no longer have a voice for themselves? I choose the latter.
I do this because I “cannot” not do it. To right this wrong and to see justice, it has to be done … plain and simple.
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19 JUNE 2024
Today, my brother Marc would be turning 60 years old.
With each passing day, the struggle for justice continues and your "would be" 60 revolutions around the sun hits home.
You are a star in the heavens when I look up at the sky and today (as always) I want to celebrate YOU and who you were as a person here on earth and who you are now in consciousness and spirit in the after life. I love you with all my heart and I will never stop fighting for what's right. The truth matters and justice matters and that will NEVER change for as long as I am alive and breathing.
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24 FEBRUARY 2024
Today, my niece Angèle would be turning 35 years old. She's truly an angel in heaven.
All the what ifs play heavy on my mind all the time, and on her special day when she came into this world, it has that much more significance.
Her life was taken, not having had the chance to cherish all the beauty that this life has to offer and building memories and experiences.
I implore anyone who has information with regards to her manner of death (the horrific house fire that claimed the lives of Marc, Suzanne and Angèle) to come forward.
Please be brave and please do the right thing.
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09 FEBRUARY 2024
The search for justice and accountability continues. Today I am announcing a cash REWARD for information that may lead to the arrest of the person or persons responsible.
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Above is the official link to the Royal Canadian Mounted police website for "Unsolved major crime files" for NB.
I started a process of having Marc, Suzanne and Angèle's file added to this website in the summer of 2012. Being given the run around is a major understatement. I first started by sending an e-mail to the site's web address listed within it and I received no response after a week. I then placed a call and left a voicemail to have someone call me back (in my message I gave a quick rundown for my reason for calling). A week went by and no call back. I placed a couple of more calls and still nothing (leaving a voicemail each time).
In late August 2012, I called again and this time someone answered. I stated that I would like to speak with someone regarding my brother's case and my wish to have it added to the website. An officer did call me back and we discussed my reason for calling. He said that a new "Cold Case" division was being planned for Codiac RCMP and that one of the investigator's in that new division would be contacting me. He suggested I discuss my request with that investigator first.
Months passed, and finally in November 2012, an investigator did contact me. He asked me for the name of the investigator I spoke with for the RCMP website and that's how the two of them got in touch with each other (somehow I found myself the middle man in this connection). I met with the investigator with Codiac RCMP in January 2013, and among lots of things we discussed, I mentioned the website and how to go about having my brother's case added. He said he wasn't sure and he would make inquiries. Subsequently, after numerous inquiries about this, I was never given a proper answer or anything as to how, when or if it would or could be added to the website. I was confused and perplexed how difficult it was to get this done.
I still kept meeting with that investigator (Cst. Jim MacPherson) and a few others who also participated in meetings with us from time to time, but nothing more was said about adding my brother's case to the website when I'd bring it up (which I did from time to time). It's like no one had an answer and no one knew how to go about doing this and I also felt like it was something that was being ignored or categorized as unimportant. A "Cold Case" division was never set up within Codiac RCMP (maybe someone's pipe dream to start one, but it certainly never occurred). A review of cold cases did happen yes (which included my brother's case - I was told it never would have been part of the review if it wasn't for my persistence and being a royal pain in the ass - and low and behold the officer who did the review of my brother's case agreed with me on my premise regarding the case).
Investigators then would come and go as previously stated in my HOME page story. It was like starting over and over each time a new investigator came along. All the while, over the years, I kept asking new investigators the same question about adding my brother's case to the RCMP website and nothing happening.
Finally, this May 2023, with the investigator I am currently speaking with (Sgt. Patrick Tardif) made aware of my request (because I had contacted the RCMP website again), things suddenly and quickly started rolling and within a day or two, magically...my brother's case was added to the website.
Here's the section that was added pertaining to my brother's file (it's the first case starting with the letter "C"):
The reason I bring this up and explain in detail how difficult it was just to get something like this done (which in turn was accomplished in a matter of a day or two, after close to 10 years of me asking and requesting and inquiring about it) is just a stark reminder of how frustrating, stressful and annoying it has been to get anything done with my brother's case.
I feel not only let down by the police, but also disheartened by how regular citizens are often treated when making inquiries and requests about things as seemingly straightforward as my inquiries and requests were at the time. I am disillusioned now with the entirety of our justice system.
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22 JULY 2023
Another year has passed and another year without answers and the truth. Another year without justice and accountability.
This year, the days Friday 21 JULY 2023 and Saturday 22 JULY 2023 is an occurrence that is identical to the dates when the fire occurred in 1989, which has happened only 4 times since the fire all those years ago (1995, 2000, 2006 and 2017).
This 34th year anniversary feels heavier because of the significance of the days in question. Every year is difficult, every anniversary marked with the sombre knowledge that three precious lives were lost, in fact stolen from the world.
Every day is a struggle without them in my life. Not a day goes by that I do not think of them.
I still cling to hope that somehow the truth will come out. That someone out there who knows something will come forward to crack this case wide open.
Cold cases do get solved; yes even 34 years later. I have read about and seen in the news 40 and 50-year-old cold cases being solved, so I still have hope.
However, it takes someone with courage to step forward.
I will soon be offering a significant sum of money as a reward for anyone who can come forward with information in this case, so that justice can be served, the truth and answers known and finally a resolution to this mystery.
I will post this offer of a reward when I make a decision on the amount and the stipulations required. These stipulations would be straightforward; valid information that leads to the arrest of the person(s) responsible for the arson fire that claimed the lives of Marc, Suzanne and Angèle.
I will never give up on my quest to find the truth. I owe it to Marc, Suzanne and Angèle. It is my mission to seek justice for them and to give them a voice, someone to advocate on their behalf.
I am also working on hiring the same Private Investigator who did work for me back in May 2019. At that time, he did a review of the case file documents (Inquest Documents and the Police Report). He provided me with a report of his analysis and some of his information can be found in the main “Home” page story. He also recommended to me further steps that could be undertaken.
I asked and received a detailed “Cost Estimate” of what it would take to do a full/new investigation. The estimate itself can be seen here:
The sum required is substantial and I am working on the financing with my bank.
As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and I realize things can move slower than I want or care to admit.
The RCMP Major Crimes of Southeast NB are still involved as well with the case and I hope to meet with them again in the near future.
Rest assure, things will keep moving and activity regarding this case will not stop. I am currently working on a revised action plan to keep this case alive, and going.
I will post further updates as time goes on.
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06 JANUARY 2023
The section on the Home Page entitled "Initial Police Investigation and Inquest" was mostly removed temporarily back in September 2022, pending a legal review from an attorney that I have since retained.
A legal matter had arisen where defamation was being claimed and threatened. Currently, with legal advice being given to me, I made the necessary changes in order to satisfy the legal request that I received and to halt any further action, but I am still keeping different options open in the future.
If I had the deep pockets of the Irving's or other wealthy people in our society, I would have gladly accepted and taken on such court action to defend my brother Marc's honor, good name and reputation. However, my reality is much different regarding any substantial wealth in order to absorb costs associated with such an endeavor. So I've decided for the time being to reluctantly accept that some changes were required to the full story found on the Home Page.
I must admit I am dismayed at how the legal system works. Some people can say and do things with impunity, while others are held to a different standard. Of course, I am referring to the situation with my story and how things played out, with a major factor being the Statute of Limitations regarding legal matters.
My brother Marc Caissie was defamed 33 years ago, with slander and with personal attacks on his character and reputation during the initial police investigation conducted by investigators with the former Moncton Police Force. The inquest that occurred in December 1989 was the public venue for which public perception was molded and solidified for some, while others completely rejected as nonsense the crazy police theory blaming Marc because they knew the truth and they knew Marc personally.
I only contemplated legal action for those I thought were responsible for such injustice towards Marc years after the Statute of Limitations had expired, meaning I had no legal recourse to hold those accountable that I believe defamed Marc. I was mentally unprepared at the time when the Statute of Limitations could have still been within the time allowed and enforceable, and to be quite honest, I was not fully aware of the law regarding this Statute of Limitations limit and when it expired. When I made inquiries about possible legal action, I contacted numerous lawyers and I was told unceremoniously by some and down right nasty by others that I had "no chance in hell", "I wouldn't touch this case with a 10 foot pole", that I was "pissing against the wind", and "what did I expect, that the Statute of Limitations lasts forever". I was really floored by some of the responses and replies by some of these lawyers and it certainly opened my eyes to the coldness and nastiness of some people. I felt like I was was left with zero options so I started thinking outside the box.
In order to keep the focus on the real victims in this case (Marc, Suzanne and Angèle), to give them a voice, to keep this case alive and out there in the hopes to generate interest and possibly someone with a conscience to perhaps come forward with answers and information, I decided to create this website and share my story.
To my shock and disgust, someone else decided to play victim in this story. Marc was defamed mercilessly by the police at the time of the fire for which I have had to live with all these years, to the detriment of my mental health. What repercussions were incurred for Marc’s defamation? None
Yet, someone who has a problem with the truth will turn around and claim they are being defamed today with information that I shared on my website. This is how the law and the justice system works apparently, a lot of it having to do with Statute of Limitations regarding my predicament and situation.
I have actually dealt with a few people related to this case that have "played the victim game" with me. I have zero patience for those who indulge in such BS and for my mental health and well-being, I have tuned them out while still pursuing justice.
Marc and Suzanne were burnt alive and Angèle died in her crib from smoke inhalation, did they not? And to turn around and play the victim in this case, if you are anyone other than my brother, his wife and baby daughter is absurd and insulting. By extension, my parents and I and the Cormier's are also victims, legitimately so because we are family and loved ones of those who were victimized, but I am not looking to play the victim game in all of this. All I want is for Marc to be vindicated and exonerated from any responsibility in the fire. All I want are answers, the truth, justice and accountability. Plain and simple.
Many people, including the investigators, didn't know Marc personally and yet they sat there and judged and made up theories. For many, gossip and spreading rumors are a past time that they relish in. It's a sad fact and disconcerting to know that such people have nothing better to do with their time.
I don't have blinders on and defend Marc impetuously, this case has made me think at all possibilities with an objective mind, as difficult of a process as that has been. If anything could have been proven that Marc may have had a hand in this, I would have considered the possibility. If any information would have come up that could have been damning or if I thought in any way, shape or form that Marc was unstable, was prone to acts of violence or was threatening in any way to anyone, or if he was susceptible to doing things that were dangerous, irrational or erratic, I would have conceded that perhaps he could have done it and I would have kept my mouth shut and I certainly would not have pursued this as far as I have and creating this website and pushing the RCMP all these years to do something.
It has consumed my life and I have devoted my time and energy to get justice for Marc, Suzanne and Angèle because I believe it's the right thing to do, the only thing to do and it's a promise that I have made to them. I am now their voice and I will never give up because I believe wholeheartedly that a grave injustice was done to them. I am fiercely loyal to those I love and I will defend Marc's honor with every strand that I can muster and with every fiber of my being.
This entire story is all about the truth and sharing facts as they are and the reality as it is. I know my reality very well, I live with it every single day.
As they say “The truth shall set you free”…